Draymond Green is going to reflect on Adreian Payne and the Game 4 win on his podcast because of his heavy emotions. But Draymond announced he and his wife plan to donation $100,000 to a foundation in honor of Payne. pic.twitter.com/6hFgGTR4lc
— Mark Medina (@MarkG_Medina) May 10, 2022
勇士出戰季後賽次輪G4前,傳出昔日密西根州大明星、前NBA球員佩恩(Adreian Payne)遭槍擊身亡的噩耗,這個消息讓曾是佩恩隊友與室友的悍將格林(Draymond Green)心碎不已,身為灣區領袖的柯瑞(Stephen Curry)在比賽開打前特別給了「嘴綠」一個擁抱,這暖心的畫面被《舊金山紀事報》捕捉下來。
In the wake of the death of his former Michigan State teammate Adreian Payne, @warriors Draymond Green is hugged by Stephen Curry before the start of Gm 4 against @memgrizz in SF. @sfchronicle photo by @ScottStrazzante pic.twitter.com/t5zTvn7vER
— Scott Strazzante (@ScottStrazzante) May 10, 2022
曾是密西根州大的明星,2014年NBA首輪新秀佩恩,當地時間週一不幸遭槍擊身亡,這讓他昔日大學隊友兼室友的格林十分悲痛,勇士教練與隊友也都感同身受,G4代掌兵符的助教布朗(Mike Brown)就說,「我愛格林,當他感到心痛,我們也都很心痛,就我個人來說,這很艱難。」