儘管NBA因為新冠肺炎全面停擺,但仍有暖心的故事傳出,日前一名18歲的籃網球迷薩林(Fahad Saleem)家中發生火災,他的房間被燒個精光,僅剩下牆壁上掛著的厄文(Kyrie Irving)球衣沒被燒掉,而厄文在輾轉得知此事後,也特別為薩林在球衣上簽名。
3月初時薩林家中發生火災,他事後想要整理房間時,發現所有東西都被燒得面目全非,僅剩下牆上掛的厄文球衣還健在,儘管球衣上布滿灰塵,但他仍相當欣慰。薩林表示他是死忠的籃網球迷,這次的火災燒毀了他兩件汀威迪(Spencer Dinwiddie)的球衣,儘管很難過,但幸好厄文的球衣還在。
A Kyrie Irving jersey was the only thing remaining after Nets diehard fan Fahad Saleem’s home caught fire. @KyrieIrving heard about it and signed the jersey: "With peace and love, we all can heal from life's unexpected events.”
— Bleacher Report (@BleacherReport) April 3, 2020
(via @RocNationSports) pic.twitter.com/Brhy726fmu
Everybody gotta stop hating on @KyrieIrving saying he should do more and what he did was not enough. BRUH ! He took my jersey and signed it with a nice message. What more do you want him to do? He kept me head up. Thank you for supporting and appreciate all the love
— Fahad (@FahadSuave) April 3, 2020