
詹皇AD刺黑曼巴緬懷Kobe 湖人老闆難忘布萊恩帶GiGi安慰她

▲▼湖人一哥詹姆斯在大腿刺上黑曼巴緬懷Kobe             。(合成圖/達志影像/美聯社、翻攝自詹姆斯IG)

▲詹姆斯在大腿刺上黑曼巴緬懷Kobe 。(合成圖/達志影像/美聯社、翻攝自詹姆斯IG)


湖人傳奇布萊恩(Kobe Bryant)上個月30日才帶著二女兒吉安娜(Gianna Bryant)現身史坦波中心,親自鼓勵洛城雙巨頭詹姆斯(LeBron James)、戴維斯(Anthony Davis),也問候了老闆巴斯(Jeanie Buss),卻在27日墜機驟逝,令湖人上下難以接受,「詹皇」和「一眉哥」為了紀念Kobe,都在大腿上刺上「黑曼巴」。




布萊恩去年12月30日穿著橘色帽T出現在洛城主場,觀看老東家湖人對戰獨行俠,他笑容滿面擁抱兩大招牌球星詹姆斯與戴維斯,幫二女兒GiGi與達拉斯金童唐西奇(Luka Doncic)合照,散發著父愛,未料這卻成了他在史坦波中心的最後身影。




沉澱了4天,湖人老闆巴斯(Jeanie Buss)在個人IG發表長文悼念情同家人的布萊恩,「Kobe,我不知道該如何表達你對我、對我的家庭和洛杉磯湖人隊的意義。我的父親像愛自己的兒子般疼愛你,這讓我們成了家人。我的父親過世不久後,你就邀請我一起吃午餐,我當時失去了動力和目標。」



在 Instagram 查看這則貼文

Kobe, I don’t know how to express what you mean to me, my family and the Los Angeles Lakers. My father loved you like a son, which makes us family. When you invited me to lunch shortly after my father passed away, I was struggling to find motivation and purpose. Kobe, you brought Gianna with you to spend some time with me. You explained that you wanted to show her that women can be leaders in the NBA, just like the men. At first, it seemed like an action of a devoted father setting an example for his daughter. But in actuality – and I am positively sure you knew EXACTLY what you were doing – what you did was give me the inspiration and strength I was searching for. I reflect on that day often and it makes me smile and it makes me strong. I call on that memory whenever I feel down and need a bit of courage. For everything you did on the court that filled me with so much joy and love, for all the lives you changed through basketball itself, it was that day with Gigi that reignited my drive and determination. Vanessa, Natalia, Bianka, and Capri - I am so sorry for your loss. We are grateful to have you in our lives and we will always be here for you. To the families that also lost loved ones on Sunday, the entire Laker family mourns with you. Laker Nation - we are one family grieving the loss of people we all loved dearly. We will mourn together, cry together but we will also heal together, love together and win TOGETHER. We love you. Kobe - that’s what you made you so unbelievably special. You not only inspired us towards greatness, you showed us the way. : : To learn more about how you can help the families affected by this tragedy go to MambaOnThree.org and to further Kobe and Gianna’s legacy in youth sports visit MambaSportsFoundation.org #peace #love #joy #family #Mamba #Mambacita #2 #8 #24 : : Picture taken in February 2016 on the way to #NBAAllStar game in #Toronto

Jeanie Buss(@jeaniebuss)分享的貼文 於 張貼

關鍵字: NBA湖人布萊恩Kobe詹姆斯戴維斯巴斯



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