太空人爆出偷暗號事件,透過電子設備竊取對方暗號,再利用吹笛子、敲打垃圾桶等方式傳遞消息,現在更傳出前MVP「阿土伯」奧圖維(Jose Altuve)在右手臂上貼著蜂鳴器,根據隊友傳遞的訊號震動,判斷對手的球種。
▲奧圖維要求隊友別扯衣服 。(圖/推特影片)
You'll be seeing this a lot.
— Marc Farzetta (@MarcFarzetta) January 16, 2020
Jose Altuve signaling to his teammates NOT to rip off his jersey in celebration because it would "allegedly" reveal a buzzer that would go off when triggered by someone on the Astros video team.
Next Level Cheating. pic.twitter.com/ApxOmAgdkz
洋基主場賽事的有線電視台「YESNetwork」透露,除了敲打垃圾桶外,少數球員如奧圖維更是會透過蜂鳴器接受訊息,提前得知對手要投得球種。在去年面對洋基的美聯冠軍戰G6上,奧圖維面對洋基終結者查普曼(Aroldis Chapman)84英里滑球,敲出再見2分砲,讓查普曼當場留下詭異笑容。
José Altuve!
— SI MLB (@si_mlb) October 20, 2019
Absolutely incredible. Houston is rocking.
(via @FOXSports) pic.twitter.com/L330Y9w83p