First Freddie Freeman, now Edwin Diaz.
— Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) March 16, 2023
The WBC is a meaningless exhibition series designed to: get YOU to buy another uniform, to hell with the real season, and split up teammates based on where their grandmothers got laid.
Call it off. Now.
波多黎各終結者E.迪亞茲(Edwin Diaz)慶祝時不慎傷到腳,檢查結果為右膝髕骨韌帶撕裂,預計缺席整個賽季。對此,身為大都會球迷的《ESPN》知名主播歐伯曼(Keith Olbermann)感到很不滿,在社群發表激進言論引發爭議。
▲波多黎各終結者E.迪亞茲(Edwin Diaz)。(圖/取自推特)
歐伯曼在推特轉發E.迪亞茲受傷的消息,「先是弗里曼(Freddie Freeman),現在是E.迪亞茲。經典賽是毫無意義的比賽,旨在:球員穿上另一件球衣,讓真正的賽季見鬼去吧,然後在祖母上床的地方分裂隊友,請馬上取消!」
▲歐伯曼(Keith Olbermann) 。(圖/達志影像/美聯社)
《FOX》分析師韋蘭德(Ben Verlander)則在社群駁斥「經典賽無意義論」,「在你發表愚蠢言論前先提醒你:世上最偉大的選手曾說過為國出戰經典賽是他們的生涯巔峰,你算老幾來評論經典賽沒意義?這代表一切。」
Reminder before you make a ridiculous comment today:
— Ben Verlander (@BenVerlander) March 16, 2023
The best players in the world are having the time of their lives in the WBC and saying it’s the highlight of their career to represent their country.
Who are you to deem the tournament “meaningless”?
It’s means everything.