▲ 詹姆斯(LeBron James)驚喜現身德魯聯盟(Drew League)。(圖/CFP)
「詹皇」詹姆斯(LeBron James)繼上次驚喜現身「德魯聯盟」(Drew League)引起一陣風暴,而本週末他又將帶著他的天賦前往西雅圖參加前NBA王牌第六人克勞佛(Jamal Crawford)舉辦的「The CrawsOver」業餘賽。
這將是詹皇第一次參與The CrawsOver聯賽,有趣的是,這也是他自2008年超音速搬到奧克拉荷馬後,首次在西雅圖打球。
SEATTLE LETS GET IT!! Been over 15+ years since I've been back and played ball! Well the wait is almost over!! The is BACK! @JCrossover ! #ThekidfromAKRON https://t.co/6NWxlSQg9o
— LeBron James (@KingJames) August 19, 2022
一個多月前,詹皇在洛杉磯舉辦的德魯聯盟中與公牛王牌迪羅臣(DeMar DeRozan)一起參賽。詹皇也狂砍42分、16籃板的驚人數據,帶領「MMV Cheaters」隊以104比102獲勝。
此外,克勞佛也宣布本週末將有一群星光熠熠的球員參加他的聯賽,其中包括坦圖(Jayson Tatum)、湯瑪斯(Isaiah Thomas)以及新科狀元班切羅(Paolo Banchero)和榜眼霍姆葛倫(Chet Holmgren)等人。
Bron said Mal, you know we gotta keep the party going, let’s get someone that’s never been to Seattle but they NEED to see!! Y’all also making his @thecrawsover debut, the unstoppable superstar, @jaytatum0 will be playing on Saturday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pic.twitter.com/S6cQI5DioU
— Jamal Crawford (@JCrossover) August 20, 2022