NFL美洲虎球星佛內特(Leonard Fournette)日前發生車禍,球隊正值角逐美聯冠軍戰時期,也讓球團虛驚一場,不過當時在車禍現場,配合度高還在被撞凹的保險桿上簽名,讓公路巡邏隊留下好印象,還在推特發文感謝。
根據美洲豹媒體公關部門人士迪克曼(Tad Dickman)在推特的訊息,佛內特是遭到追撞,幸運的是人沒受傷,車禍原因據〈NEWS 4 JAX〉報導,是一名女駕駛開車不慎造成。
#Jaguars RB Leonard Fournette signed the bumper of his 2017 Maybach and gave it to a first responder after someone rear-ended him on I-295. He also posed for pics. Everyone ok. Woman in an SUV cited for careless driving, causing crash. pic.twitter.com/hxwJznCQm1
— Vic Micolucci WJXT (@WJXTvic) 2018年1月16日
Special Thanks to @Jaguars Leonard @_fournette for being a true professional. He took the time to take a photo with boy involved in crash and to thank our trooper for his service. We are glad to hear of no injuries in this crash. pic.twitter.com/ICQSKL9tAw
— FHPJacksonville (@FhpJacksonville) 2018年1月16日