
感謝邁阿密接納自己10年 史丹頓感性發文




怪力男史丹頓(Giancarlo Stanton)加入洋基,離開效力了10年的馬林魚,史丹頓不捨又興奮,特地在IG中發文感謝,「邁阿密這座城市從我17歲就張開雙臂接納我,我非常非常喜愛這裡,對我來說將永遠是個特別的地方。」






Thank you to the Marlins Organization & the amazing city of Miami! The city that adopted me at 17 with open arms. I’ve loved this place over the years and it will always be special to me. I appreciate All my teammates & coaching Staff that battled day in and day out I feel for u fans, you’ve stuck with me as we’ve shared some roller coaster years. I’ve always tried to be as professional as possible during the unprofessional , circus times there! Regardless of the Ups&downs, I’ve grown n learned a lot as a Person/Player. So for that I give thanks, I hope there are better days in Miami . The city & the people are too great not to be! Stay positive & much love ! ————————————— As for NEW YORK CITY !!! I am officially a YANKEE I can’t wait to spark this new chapter in my life, & keeping it Lit

Giancarlo Stanton(@giancarlo818)分享的貼文 於 張貼

關鍵字: 史丹頓馬林魚洋基



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