
「你的黑屁股不用回來了」 前76人啦啦隊成員遭種族歧視 




隨著「佛洛伊德之死」引發美國一波黑人人權示威運動,多位NBA球員也跳出來為此發聲。然而,近日一位前七六人啦啦隊成員柯爾蔓(Yahne Coleman)自爆,她在擔任啦啦隊期間遭到隊友、教練嚴重的種族歧視、霸凌,對此七六人球團表示正針對此事進行調查。



▲▼前七六人啦啦隊成員Yahne Coleman。(圖/翻攝自Instagram/yahneofficial)





在 Instagram 查看這則貼文

Thank you @treysongz , @hollywoodunlocked and you amazing people showing me support. I was scared to release this because I was racially bullied and threatened by my 76ers NBA teammates and former Teammates. I went to my coach Dayna Haftez and the Sixers organization crying out for help so many times. I sent the video above of me being racially profiled, bullied and threatened to my coach Dayna Haftez, Debbie Alpalucci, Lara Price the 76ers Senior Vice President of Business and HR seeking help. Nothing was done. They would move my things into the bathroom stall for me to get ready for games. They would make fun of my pictures in a group chat, talking about my black features and send me videos threatening my safety. I did not want them to run me away from a dream I always wanted to accomplish so I tried my hardest to remain strong through it all. I went through this for 3 years. When I auditioned for my 4th year this group of girls called me the night before on the phone saying “your BLACK ass will not be coming back”. I still went to the tryouts and unfortunately that was the end of my 76ers dance team career. It didn’t stop there. They proceeded to harass me by calling and leaving hateful racial videos saying they would come to the slums of West Philly Ghetto and physically harm me. I’m not from the ghetto and never lived in the ghetto but because I’m black they decided to say this laughing and giggling. They went around asking about me, finding out where I worked and called my employment saying things to get me fired. I would hate for this group of women who are still working and connected to the @sixers @philadelphiaflyers to hurt another young talented black girl. Sadly, I let this racial bullying incident from this group of women deter me from my dancing career. The women who racially bullied me - Annie Weiss aka Annie Fuhrman @ mommycanyou @ projectstillhuman, Nicole Vernile Current Captain @76ersent , Kerri McDonald Current Dance Coach 76ers, Danielle Dematteo @philadelphiaflyers Dance Coach, Malinda Ruth , Erica Hammel , Val Dematteo , Julie Kaskiw, Lauren Schwer, Krystal Almora aka Krystal Gregorio @KrystalAlmora hashtag_kids , Coach Dayna Hafetz

Yahné Coleman(@yahneofficial)分享的貼文 於 張貼

關鍵字: NBA啦啦隊種族歧視七六人



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